The LAE registration website is now open. LAE 2025, which will be administered online, will be held on 30 March 2025, Sunday. The application process, requirements, grounds for disqualification/disapproval of application and other pertinent information may be found in the LAE Portal under FAQs:
Deadline for online application is on 28 February 2025, while grades and other document submissions will be accepted until 21 March 2025. There will be a Technical Assessment (device and internet trial) on 9 March 2025, Sunday. The Technical Assessment will allow the applicants to check if their devices are adequate; to simulate logging onto the exam platform, navigate through exercises, and submit responses in the online portal. Completion of the Technical Assessment is a prerequisite to taking the LAE. The minimum system requirements for devices will soon be posted in the LAE portal.
Start your application
Please create an account to start your application. If you already have an account, please sign in instead.
Create an account →Already have an account?
NOTE: This application portal are for LAE applications made in January 2024 onwards. If you have applied before January 2024, you will need to create a new account.
Need help?
If you are experiencing any issues using this portal, please reach out to