Release of the Updated LAE Test Taker Manual

We release of the updated 2025 LAE Test-Taker's Manual, which contains the latest guidelines and instructions for the upcoming Law Aptitude Exam. This manual includes detailed steps on accessing the Moodle platform, completing the LAE Navigation activity, and registering for SMOWL, along with important technical requirements and troubleshooting tips.

To help you easily identify the changes, we have highlighted the updates from the previous version throughout the manual.

We strongly encourage all applicants to review the manual thoroughly to ensure a smooth and efficient test-taking experience.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.


There will be another Technical Assessment (“2nd Technical Assessment”) to be held on 30 March 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. ALL APPLICANTS are required to take the 2nd Technical Assessment, whether they were able to take the 16 March 2025 Technical Assessment or not. Applicants are advised to read the LAE 2025 Test-Takers’ Manual for the instructions on setting up their devices. There will be an AI Computer Monitoring Tool which can flag if disqualifying acts are committed while taking the exam. Thus, please take note of which are disqualifying acts as listed in the Manual.

In view of the additional Technical Assessment, the date of the LAE is moved to 6 April 2025, Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

Urgent Update on Law Aptitude Exam 16 March Technical Assessment

To All Applicants:

We acknowledge the ongoing technical issues affecting today's Law Aptitude Exam Technical Assessment. Our technical team is actively working to address these concerns, including difficulties with loading images and accessing certain websites. At this time, our priority is to ensure that the assessment proceeds as smoothly as possible under the circumstances.

For those experiencing difficulties logging in, please try retyping your password carefully or copying and pasting the entire text while ensuring that no extra characters, such as spaces, are included.

Additionally, there is no need to reattempt the quiz once you have completed it. If you were unable to finish answering the quiz, please do not worry, as this is only part of the technical assessment. Your score here will not impact your overall evaluation.

For those who were unable to complete the assessment today due to technical reasons, we will schedule another session for you within the week. Further details will be communicated soon.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate these challenges.

Thank you for your cooperation.

LAE Manual 2025

Please see below the link for the LAE Manual 2025. Applicants are advised to read the manual carefully and thoroughly.

LAE Manual 2025


The Technical Assessment originally scheduled on 9 March 2025 is rescheduled to Sunday, 16 March 2025. The date of LAE proper remains unchanged.

Applicants who may have conflicting schedules with the new Technical Assessment date are advised to inform the Office of the College Secretary via email to

Announcement Re: Proof of Payment

Applicants with SOA may upload their proof of payment via this link:


Please be reminded that the deadline for LAE application is today, 28 February 2025. The LAE portal will only accept applications until 11:59 PM.

Application documents will be accepted via the LAE portal beginning 17 March 2025 (Monday).


The LAE registration website is now open. LAE 2025, which will be administered online, will be held on 30 March 2025, Sunday. The application process, requirements, grounds for disqualification/disapproval of application and other pertinent information may be found in the LAE Portal under FAQs:

Deadline for online application is on 28 February 2025, while grades and other document submissions will be accepted until 21 March 2025. The deadline for payment is on 5 March 2025.

There will be a Technical Assessment (device and internet trial) on 9 March 2025, Sunday. The Technical Assessment will allow the applicants to check if their devices are adequate; to simulate logging onto the exam platform, navigate through exercises, and submit responses in the online portal. Completion of the Technical Assessment is a prerequisite to taking the LAE. The minimum system requirements for devices will soon be posted in the LAE portal.